Contrary to popular belief, there is no “contract time” in the contract. There is no obligation to be at school a certain amount of minutes before school starts, nor is there a certain amount of minutes after school teachers are expected to stay.
What is in the contract is the following: “Full time educators agree to a regular seven and one half (7½) hour school day” (7.1.2[a]).
How you choose to work that 7.5 hours is up to you as a teacher. In the name of professionalism, though, it is recommended that secondary teachers plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the school day and elementary teachers arrive 30 minutes before the school day.
The pay period is from the 1st to the 30th of each month. You are then paid for that time on the last banking day of the next month
Yes (for up to 10 years of experience)
When you submit a Salary Level Change Form, it will appear on the next month’s paycheck.
Make sure to include all necessary documentation when you submit to guarantee proper processing.
The Utah Legislature provides National Board Certified teachers with a $1,000 stipend every year they’re certified.
A couple of years ago it was negotiated that if
then the district will pay 100% of your health and dental insurance premiums.
This is a benefit most other districts don’t have.
The Sick Leave Policy provides full pay in cases of illness and personal bereavement (no separate leave for bereavement).
For the first 3 years of teaching you receive 7 “sick days” a year
After the 3 years, that goes up to 10 days.
You can check your current balance on your pay stub or on Encore.
One day is considered 8 hours
The days are assumed on July 1, but accrued throughout the year.
If you leave the district mid year, you will have to pay back any used sick leave that had not yet been accrued.
Unused sick days will be accumulated, with no cap of how many you can accumulate.
If you run out of sick leave, you may request an advance of up to 5 sick days.
Those days will be deducted from future sick day allotment
If you leave the district before repaying advanced days, you will have to pay for the days out of your final paycheck.
Upon retirement, your sick hours are paid out at 21.5% of the value of the days to a health savings account
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