It is the professional thing to do. Doctors, lawyers, and other professions have their associations. DEA is yours.
DEA is the largest employee organization within Davis School District. As such, members are represented on all levels of district committees and programs.
The DEA is therecognized bargaining agent for your contractas an educator in Davis School District. This means your pay, insurance, leave, etc., are all negotiated for you by DEA.
There are DEA Representatives (ARs) in all buildings. This direct line of communication with DEA ensures that every member receives information, has access to Association resources, and that you are being heard.
By joining DEA, you also become a member of the Utah Education Association (UEA), and the National Education Association (NEA). You are joining a community of MILLIONS of teachers and educators from across the district, state, country and world!
The UEA is Utah’s largest lobbyist on behalf of public education in Utah. Every single bill that goes through the Utah Legislature that affects teaching has something to do with UEA. The UEA Legislative Team works with legislators year round to develop good laws on behalf of Utah’s schools, and also works with legislators to try to put an end to bills that will harm schools and educators.
You will be part of a community of dedicated teachers, all trying to make the profession better.
You can have leadership opportunities, helping other teachers have their concerns heard, and bringing about change.
You will have your voice and opinion heard by people who understand you, and are willing to work with you to bring about change.
You can help participate in advocating for our students, our schools, and our profession at every level of government.
DEA, UEA, and NEA provide money saving and discount program opportunities. These opportunities include travel, everyday purchases, continuing education, life insurance benefits, credit card opportunities, investments, mortgage assistance, etc.
With DEA, you have legal protection and advice. DEA employs a full-time UniServ Director (teacher advocate) who provides tough and effective representation in job-related disputes. They can work immediately and directly on your issues.
As a member of DEA, you also have on-the-job liability insurance of up to $1 million dollars. If the incident is within the scope of your employment, the UEA attorney will represent you in your legal matters.